Our Second Release Is Fly Day Lager…..
This German inspired Lager pours a golden hue with a persistent white fluffy head. Noble hops carry a lightly spicy and floral aroma, carefully paired with local and European malts to provide medium body and a rounded finish. Mildly bitter and well carbonated, this beer should be your first reach for refreshment.
The next stop on our Alberta adventure is still up north but we now move to the northeast. The modern era of Alberta oil exploration began after Leduc No. 1 began producing in February 1947. It was ranked as a WILDCAT because no drilling had taken place within an 80 kilometer radius. Then in 1967, commercial-scale production from Alberta’s oil sands started when the Great Canadian Oil Sands(now Suncor Energy) started operations.
Our Fly Day Lager is dedicated to the folks working in the Alberta Oil and Gas industry; those people that work away in all kinds of weather, building a life for their families. We also recognize the challenges faced by their families at home.
Ever since the Oilsands began operations, people have come to work in Alberta with the promise of a better future. From Newfoundland to British Columbia, the Oil and Gas industry attracted newcomers to the province to start their lives or folks would fly in and out for their shifts. Living in camps and bused to work every morning, it is a job centered around routine. Your tiny room is your home for the length of your hitch. Phone calls home are your connection to the outside world and you count the days until your FLY DAY.
No matter your role, whether pipefitter or cook, it can be a challenge to be away from home. Maintaining relationships and friendships is vital to staying positive and connected. Isolation is tough so it is critical to find balance. If you are feeling low or in need of help, there are resources that you can utilize.